I stole this from Shelly's Blog- Thanks, chika!
1. Put Your iTunes/Windows Media Player/ETC on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5. Put this on your journal or blog or whatevs.
1) If someone says, "Is this okay?" you say: "Let it be. "
2) How would you describe yourself? "Hero" (Wow, I think highly of myself!)
3) What do you like in a girl/guy? "Homeless" (Well HOPEFULLY not!)
4) How do you feel today? "Ordinary Day." (That works well.)
5) What is your life's purpose? "Don't let the sun go down on me" (Interesting.. ish)
6) What is your motto? "Dream Big" (You KNOW it!)
7) What do you friends think of you? "Calling you"
8) What do you think of your parents?"Moments.." (Well.. They DO have their moments!)
9) What do you think about very often? "States & Capitals" (..because I have it on my ipod for some reason..) :D
10) What is 2+2? "Everything."
11) What do you think of your best friend? "God only cries for the living" (oh how sad!)
12) What do you think of the person you like? "A woman's heart" (hmm...man's maybe?)
13) What is your life story? "Battle" (And don't I KNOW it!)
14) What do you want to be when you grow up? "Child of Light" (Wow. Definitely.)
15) What do you think of when you see the person you like? "Kiss me" (how absurdly appropriate.. lol)
16) What will you dance to at your wedding? "Call Me When You're Sober" (Sounds like SOMEBODY is going to need some counseling..)
17) What will they play at your funeral? "Follow the light" (AAHA! That is the funniest thing I've heard all day!!)
18) What is your hobby/interest? "Relaxation" (Well I do like to be able to relax now and then..)
19) What is your biggest fear? "I miss you" (Well I guess I'm scared of loved ones dying?)
20) What is your biggest secret? "He Came for Me" (Aww, that shouldn't be a secret!)
21) What do you think of your friends? "Walk tall, you're a daughter of God" (Lots of church music- only the best!)
22) What song would you play during your first kiss? "Why do birds suddenly appear.." (that works.. ish.)
23) What will you post this as?"The Glory of Life"
(That's a good title.)