Monday, October 20, 2008

Proposition 8..

While I personally fully believe that marriage should be between a man and woman.. I don't think it's anyone else's place to say if two people love each other or not. They have a right to live how they believe just like everyone else does, just like WE do. How would you feel if most of the world believed in only same-sex marriages, and you were in love with and ready to marry someone of the opposite gender?
I know that I don't believe it's right. I know that a LOT of people, including the church, don't believe it's right.. But I also know that everyone should have a right to live what they believe, as long as it doesn't impose on anyone else's rights- which it's not.

Why is everyone, the WORLD, so set on making everyone live, look, act, and feel the same?
We are each unique individuals, not some kind of robots! We each have our own emotions, we each have our own beliefs- and we each have the right to have them.
Why must we impose on what other beliefs? Why must we make everyone uniform to what the world wants to see?

Just because some people don't believe the same as you and I, it doesn't mean they don't have a right to believe it. I don't know about you, but I live my beliefs. I believe in the church, and I live by it's standards. By doing so, I am not in any way imposing on others rights.
I believe it's the same way with gay people (For lack of a better term). They believe that it is okay to let themselves fall in love with whomever they will. They are not imposing on others rights. Should they not, then, be able to live as they believe?
They should not be denied a legal bond simply because we don't like it.
WHO CARES what we like?? It's not about US. It's about THEM, it's THEIR lives, not ours.

Alright, I guess that is all. Please let me know what your thoughts are on the subject though, I'd really like to hear them.


Jana said...

I totally get where you're coming from, and I thought kind of the same thing at first--live and let live, right? We have a similar proposition here in AZ, prop 102, so I've heard a lot about it.
The problem is, if it doesn't pass, it leaves it open so that judges will eventually be able to pass all sorts of things like saying that kids in school have to be taught that marriage is between any two people, and even sex education might have to include that. Churches could be sued for refusing to marry gay people. Photographers could be sued for not wanting to photograph a gay wedding. It's things like that which would turn it around so that we're the ones without the rights anymore.
If you want to read more about why the church is supporting it so much, you can go to
which totally answers a lot of questions about it--it has a section on tolerance and everything.

Lisel said...

I agree with Jana. There are things that appear to affect no one else, when it couldn't be further from the truth. I think the world tries to label things differently to cover up sin and then make those who disagree appear to be the intolerant ones. Nobody is trying to say they can't love whomever they choose or be in a relationship with whomever they choose - but marriage should be between a man and a woman. I have family members who are gay and who I love very much, but this isn't about them - it is much bigger. The sanctity of marriage and family needs to be protected and preserved.

Jen-ben said...

Annette did a post on this that really changed my should read it!