Sunday, January 25, 2009


Now this is what we call "CLUMSY", kids!

If you can't tell, I definitely dislocated my knee. Talk about OUCH.
..And now I'm stuck in THIS contraption for three weeks! Oh no!


Kristin said...


Christine said...

Yikes! Poor you!

Hilarious post though.

Alecia Dave and DMax said...

Dang Gina why ya gotta beat yourself up like that! :)
You need to put that predator in it's place!!

KC said...

yikes! you feeling better yet? I"m clumsy too!

Mary Lynn said...

lol- I'm feeling fine, thanks ;)
I really AM clumsy though! I slipped down them again yesterday (TOTALLY not my fault though- I couldn't walk down them normally, nonetheless with a big brace on my leg!) lol
I get it off three weeks from when I got it though.. Which coincidentally means I'll have sweet freedom come Valentines day!