I'm back from EFY!
I must say, it was single-handedly, the most spiritual, learning, and amazing experience ever. I am just so humbled, right now.
My testimony has grown SO much, this week.
I love you all so much!
And, guess what?
I KNOW this church is true. And I sure hope YOU do, too.
WE are children of God. Do you realize how amazing that it? We are SO blessed!
We need to stay together- unify- we are SO strong. We are an ARMY.
We aren't marching into battle..
We are already fighting, on the front line.
Do you realize this? We are LITERALLY, in the middle of the greatest battle of ALL time.
It's OUR time to stand up, it's OUR time to SHINE.
There is power in number...
Here are some lovely quotes that I jotted down, while I was there. They are really good!
"The chief cause of failure of happiness is trading what you want MOST, for what you want at the moment."
"If you ever have a problem, all you need to do is ask TWO questions:
1. Have I prayed about it? 2. Am I reading my scriptures?"
"Life is a mission, not a career!"
"Forget yourself, and get to work (helping others come to the church)"
"If there is something you want, you must take initiative!"
"We are WASTING our time if all we do is come here, sit, listen, read, and WAIT to be inspired! We need to reach inside our souls, and FIND it!"
"If you don't know where you're going, then ANY road you take, you'll get there!"
"Where there is no vision, people will perish."
"Don't be fooled into thinking that you are LESS than you really ARE."
"We have promises to keep, and MILES to go, before we can sleep"
"It's hard to wander away when you're on your knees!"
"The greatest gift-- the greatest POWER we have, today, is the POWER of PURITY."
"Don't settle for less than what you ARE!"
"What we are is more important than what we've been. What we can become is more important than what we are."
"Just because you aren't in a perfect situation, or don't come from a perfect family, doesn't mean YOU can't be perfect!"
"Answers WILL come.. Testimony WILL grow... Strength WILL enlarge."
"Let your heart not be troubled, neither be afraid."
"I WANT an added power, to make me WANT to obey!"
"EVERY problem we may have, every trial, every question, is ANSWERED, in the scriptures."
"FORGIVE, and you WILL be blessed."
Remember who you are.